Following the energetic restart that comes with the Autumn Equinox, the first new moon of the autumn season — the New Moon In Libra — is giving you the remarkable gift of having a bigger picture — as this workshop teaches about seeing the truth, what is blinding you to seeing it, what you choose to see instead, and how, by allowing a higher power to free you from these limitations, remove the screens that keep you in a limited reality, heal and restore your vision, you become a co-creator of your own fulfillment. Arik talks about the energy and wisdom you can receive now, to avoid interruption in manifesting the seeds of intention you plant with the new moon — about how it is easy to get stuck in the visible parts of life and completely miss the invisible, that there is a power that makes something invisible hidden, and that, when obstacles are hidden, the blessings are hidden as well. After the transmission of the teachings in the workshop, you will find your workbook to be an invaluable tool, as Arik guides you in a powerful meditation that works with attractor fields — how you are receiving them, and how those fields are being attracted within the specific field of your astrological house where the new moon is occurring. This new moon gives you the ability to purify your vision and help you prepare for the new fields you want to attract.Some Key Points You May Learn About — Clarity is beyond what you think it is.How do you heal the energy of deprivation and lack.The universe wants to give you so much more than you can possibly see and imagine.What is the power of the prophet.You don’t need the bigger picture, you just need to know that there is one.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author