Astrological Forecast December 17-23, 2023

The material realm determines how much we will have, and what we will experience.

The stars this week are reminding us of a very important lesson: that the material realm determines how much we will have, and what we will experience. But how can this be? We are often led to believe that this is determined by a higher power, a Divine force, so how can it be that what we have in this world is determined by our limited material world? These are themes not only for this week, but also for Capricorn Season, which will begin on December 22, 2023 and run through into the New Year.

While it’s true that all things good and abundance originate in the Divine, it must be welcomed into the material world. If it is not welcome, it will trickle in, drop by drop, while it can’t be stopped, only delayed. How much Divine sustenance manifests into our world is determined by our actions here in the material world. Our actions, are we selfish, are we selfless, or are we balanced and aware? Our actions are what determine how much luck, love, or good fortune we have in any area of our live.

When we feel blocked, stuck or empty, it’s because our actions in this material world have build a dam, holding the vats of blessings that want to irrigate throughout our lives. This week, we can become aware of that dam, why we built it and begin to dismantle it so that we can connect to the Divine. And while it’s quite simple, all we need to do is become miraculous in order to invite miracles back into our lives on a daily basis. This is why we are here, to create miracles and to turn lemons into lemonade and then offer it to others. This is how we can overcome the heaviness and use it to our advantage this week. Now for the transits.

The week begins with the Sun squaring Neptune which highlights the constant clash between the material and spiritual desires within us and reflected back to us. This is a time to be mindful of illusions in our material pursuits and to strive to prioritize spiritual connection before material accomplishment. On Sunday, as Mercury septiles Venus we are encouraged to get creative in our communication within relationships. This is an opportunity to rise above co-dependency and embrace altruistic love, resonating with the Christmas spirit of giving and compassion.

On December 18th, as the Sun forms a novile with Venus, we are reminded of the importance of completing old cycles and welcoming new beginnings in our values and relationships. This day invites introspection and gratitude, encouraging us to reflect on the miracles in our lives, a theme very much in line with the season's spirit. Additionally, Mercury trines Jupiter on the same day expanding our mind, fostering optimistic and philosophical thinking, fitting for a season filled with hope and faith.

Venus will quintile Pluto on Tuesday, calling for transformation in how we relate to love and material possessions. This transit urges us to find a harmonious balance between spiritual depth and material desires. Meanwhile, Mercury quintiles the South Node reminding us to learn from past communication patterns, particularly in family dynamics during the festive season, and to apply these lessons in the present.

Midweek on Wednesday, Mercury retrograde forms a semisquare with Venus, challenging us to rethink our conventional attitudes towards relationships and desires. Mars aspects Pluto to illustrate a time for embracing change and personal growth. It's a day to transcend materialistic desires, focusing instead on the transformative power of authentic connections.

Thursday, December 21, sees Venus opposing Uranus, potentially bringing unexpected changes in relationships or financial matters, urging us to find stability amidst change. Mercury sextile Saturn offers a grounding energy, aiding us in communicating responsibly and maturely, an essential trait for family gatherings.

As Capricorn Season begins on December 22, we are called to align with responsibility, discipline, and ambition. This is a powerful time to participate in the Capricorn Season Class and Light Meditation, focusing on setting intentions for personal growth and discipline, transcending materialism for spiritual fulfillment. The same day, Mercury noviles Venus and Mars quintiles Saturn reinforcing the theme of renewing commitments in relationships and actions. This is an invitation to review and rejuvenate your goals, especially those related to family and personal development. The Sun conjunction with Mercury emphasizes clear, structured thinking and communication, making it an excellent time to set practical goals for the coming year.

Finally, on December 23rd, as Mercury enters Capricorn, the focus shifts to serious, structured thinking and communication. This transit is opportune for planning and organizing, setting the stage for a new year where ambitions and spiritual growth are harmoniously balanced.

Throughout this week, let the spirit of Christmas guide you – a time for forgiveness, family, and generosity – while the timing of the stars remind you to balance the material with the spiritual, creating your own miracles by transcending material limitations.

The stars this week are reminding us of a very important lesson: that the material realm determines how much we will have, and what we will experience. But how can this be? We are often led to believe that this is determined by a higher power, a Divine force, so how can it be that what we have in this world is determined by our limited material world? These are themes not only for this week, but also for Capricorn Season, which will begin on December 22, 2023 and run through into the New Year.

While it’s true that all things good and abundance originate in the Divine, it must be welcomed into the material world. If it is not welcome, it will trickle in, drop by drop, while it can’t be stopped, only delayed. How much Divine sustenance manifests into our world is determined by our actions here in the material world. Our actions, are we selfish, are we selfless, or are we balanced and aware? Our actions are what determine how much luck, love, or good fortune we have in any area of our live.

When we feel blocked, stuck or empty, it’s because our actions in this material world have build a dam, holding the vats of blessings that want to irrigate throughout our lives. This week, we can become aware of that dam, why we built it and begin to dismantle it so that we can connect to the Divine. And while it’s quite simple, all we need to do is become miraculous in order to invite miracles back into our lives on a daily basis. This is why we are here, to create miracles and to turn lemons into lemonade and then offer it to others. This is how we can overcome the heaviness and use it to our advantage this week. Now for the transits.

The week begins with the Sun squaring Neptune which highlights the constant clash between the material and spiritual desires within us and reflected back to us. This is a time to be mindful of illusions in our material pursuits and to strive to prioritize spiritual connection before material accomplishment. On Sunday, as Mercury septiles Venus we are encouraged to get creative in our communication within relationships. This is an opportunity to rise above co-dependency and embrace altruistic love, resonating with the Christmas spirit of giving and compassion.

On December 18th, as the Sun forms a novile with Venus, we are reminded of the importance of completing old cycles and welcoming new beginnings in our values and relationships. This day invites introspection and gratitude, encouraging us to reflect on the miracles in our lives, a theme very much in line with the season's spirit. Additionally, Mercury trines Jupiter on the same day expanding our mind, fostering optimistic and philosophical thinking, fitting for a season filled with hope and faith.

Venus will quintile Pluto on Tuesday, calling for transformation in how we relate to love and material possessions. This transit urges us to find a harmonious balance between spiritual depth and material desires. Meanwhile, Mercury quintiles the South Node reminding us to learn from past communication patterns, particularly in family dynamics during the festive season, and to apply these lessons in the present.

Midweek on Wednesday, Mercury retrograde forms a semisquare with Venus, challenging us to rethink our conventional attitudes towards relationships and desires. Mars aspects Pluto to illustrate a time for embracing change and personal growth. It's a day to transcend materialistic desires, focusing instead on the transformative power of authentic connections.

Thursday, December 21, sees Venus opposing Uranus, potentially bringing unexpected changes in relationships or financial matters, urging us to find stability amidst change. Mercury sextile Saturn offers a grounding energy, aiding us in communicating responsibly and maturely, an essential trait for family gatherings.

As Capricorn Season begins on December 22, we are called to align with responsibility, discipline, and ambition. This is a powerful time to participate in the Capricorn Season Class and Light Meditation, focusing on setting intentions for personal growth and discipline, transcending materialism for spiritual fulfillment. The same day, Mercury noviles Venus and Mars quintiles Saturn reinforcing the theme of renewing commitments in relationships and actions. This is an invitation to review and rejuvenate your goals, especially those related to family and personal development. The Sun conjunction with Mercury emphasizes clear, structured thinking and communication, making it an excellent time to set practical goals for the coming year.

Finally, on December 23rd, as Mercury enters Capricorn, the focus shifts to serious, structured thinking and communication. This transit is opportune for planning and organizing, setting the stage for a new year where ambitions and spiritual growth are harmoniously balanced.

Throughout this week, let the spirit of Christmas guide you – a time for forgiveness, family, and generosity – while the timing of the stars remind you to balance the material with the spiritual, creating your own miracles by transcending material limitations.