December New Moon Forecast

In which situations did I entirely surrender to the guidance of my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides and what was the outcome?

Hi Stargazers!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 13, 2023, invites us into a profound realization: life's journey is about facing challenges, not stumbling over obstacles. This final New Moon of 2023, positioned in the spirited and expansive sign of Sagittarius, offers a unique opportunity to shift our perspectives from feeling burdened by difficulties to seeing them as stepping stones towards growth and self-fulfillment.

Sagittarius, the archer, is known for its adventurous spirit and relentless pursuit of truth and wisdom. This New Moon reminds us of the need to let go of limiting mental patterns and their physical manifestations. It teaches us that holding onto these patterns only weighs us down, preventing us from moving forward with freedom and optimism.

The essence of Sagittarius in this New Moon phase underscores that there are no quick fixes to deep-seated issues. It encourages us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, identifying what slows us down. This process requires patience and persistence, as we untangle the complex web of our thoughts and behaviors to reclaim our innate passion and zest for life.

This New Moon also serves as a stark reminder that building our dreams on shaky foundations is a recipe for disappointment. If our entire plan is at risk of collapsing when one aspect fails, it's a sign that we've prioritized fanciful aspirations over solid, spiritually grounded goals. The Sagittarian energy urges us to reevaluate our foundations, ensuring they are robust enough to support our ambitions.

Identify the house in your astrological chart where the New Moon in Sagittarius falls. This house represents the life area where your new beginnings and insights will be most potent. Set intentions that resonate with both the nature of this house and the broader Sagittarian themes of exploration and truth-seeking. Acknowledge the challenges in your life as opportunities for growth. Use this New Moon to commit to a path of self-improvement, recognizing that each hurdle is a chance to learn and evolve.

Reflect on the mental patterns that hold you back. This New Moon is the perfect time to release these burdens. Engage in meditation or journaling to consciously let go of these limiting beliefs and make room for new, empowering thoughts. Realign your goals with a strong spiritual base. Assess your ambitions and dreams under the Sagittarian light. Are they grounded in your true self and spiritual beliefs? If not, this is the moment to recalibrate.

Commit to a journey of long-term self-discovery and improvement rather than looking for instant solutions. Understand that real growth takes time, and the New Moon in Sagittarius is just the beginning of this fulfilling journey.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 13, 2023, is not just another New Moon. It's a powerful reminder of life's real purpose: a journey filled with challenges that are, in fact, opportunities for profound personal growth and spiritual development. By accepting this perspective and aligning your actions accordingly, you open yourself up to a life of true freedom, passion, and fulfillment.

The Question Of This Quest.

24 hours before and 24 hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our efforts. In Zodiac Hacks, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Sagittarius, we should open ourselves to the following question:

In which situations did I entirely surrender to the guidance of my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides and what was the outcome?

Contemplate this question during the 48-hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.

It’s not about being on the “right” path, because you’re already on it, it’s about being on the swiftest path to your best destination!

In deepening our connection to our spirit guides, we are asked to discriminate against the voice of the light and the voice of evil. Most of the time we can tell the difference, except, when the voice of evil disguises itself as the voice of light.

For example, some negative angels come into our world and tell us exactly what we want to hear to distract us from true, everlasting happiness. How is this even possible? Because the truth isn’t always easy to handle, but, it will always set us free. We can acquire protection from these lies under this New Moon in Sagittarius by committing to self-honesty and renouncing all agendas.

Sagittarius season, a sign of truth and action, puts us on the road to do good, and yet, most of us don’t bother checking our blind spots before we pull into our lane.

This is a problem rooted in the confusion between goals and agendas.

We all have our reasons, but we need to be without any agenda when it comes to our actions so that we can be free from lying and dishonesty and in alignment with the angels of clarity. Unfortunately, it is the human condition that allows us to believe in the falsifications we are told so that we can feel justified in our actions. We will expand upon this in our New Moon Online Workshop as it’s a big topic to tackle!

To add to that, of all the forms of lying, self-deception is the most damaging because it can soil the purest of intentions.

Sagittarius season is a time to bring light into the darkness, but when the light shows us things we don’t want to see, we turn to self-deception saying things like, “Oh, I didn’t do that” or, “That’s now how I meant it.” This New Moon in Sagittarius will help us release from self-deceptive options so that we can be open, honest, and present.

Zodiacal City.

The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its 29-day journey around the zodiacal city.

As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why we offer a guided New Moon meditation when we ensure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey.

If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon in Sagittarius you can sign up for the online workshop.

This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download our Zodiac Hacks Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.

How To Work With This New Moon in Sagittarius:

  • Where does this New Moon in Sagittarius fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get our moon mediation workbook and I’ll illuminate where you need to focus.
  • Answer the question of this quest: In which situations did I entirely surrender to the guidance of my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides and what was the outcome?
  • Inhale, diffuse, or get a massage with the Sagittarius Essential Oil which has been energetically charged by Aurelia Essential Oils.
  • Use some juniper berry.
  • Wear some dumortierite
  • Take supplements for the circulatory system and adrenal glands.
  • Set your intentions in my Sun/Moon meditation workbook
  • Participate in the online workshop which includes a teaching, workshop, and guided meditation.
  • Make a donation or tithe.

The New Moon is one of the most powerful times to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold.

New Moon window lasts for 48 hours and begins:

Los Angeles, USA           Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 03:32

Nashville, USA             Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 05:32

New York, USA              Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 06:32

London, United Kingdom     Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 11:32

Munich, Germany            Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 12:32

Tel Aviv, Israel           Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 13:32

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 15:32

Tokyo, Japan               Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 20:32

Sydney, Australia          Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 22:32

Have a wonderful New Moon in Sagittarius and we thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using Zodiac Hacks.

Our New Moon Virtual Ritual

As the New Moon heralds the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it's a powerful time for setting intentions and sowing the seeds of future endeavors. The darkness of the New Moon is like fertile soil, ready to receive the wishes and dreams you wish to cultivate. To aid in this process, we invite you to join our New Moon Virtual Ritual, a space where wisdom and energy converge to guide you toward manifesting your intentions.

During our virtual ritual, you will be led through a guided visualization where the seed energy of your intention will be planted. This immersive experience is designed to empower you, helping you to shed the constraints of the ego mind—those critical voices that judge, manipulate, and deceive, which often lead us astray from our true path. By participating in this ritual, you will align more closely with your higher self, the aspect of your being that knows no limitation and is connected to the infinite potential of the universe.

The New Moon is a time when the veil between the conscious and subconscious is thin, allowing for profound insight and transformation.

Whether you seek to initiate a new project, change a habit, or bring a heartfelt wish into reality, the New Moon Virtual Ritual is an opportunity to focus your will, gather cosmic support, and take a decisive step toward your goals. Join us as we embrace the darkness of the New Moon, not as a void, but as a canvas of infinite possibilities, ready to be painted with the colors of your will and vision.

Let this New Moon be the moment you choose to rise above the ego's machinations and step into the light of your true potential. Sign up for our New Moon Virtual Ritual today and transform your intentions into beautiful fruition.

Hi Stargazers!

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 13, 2023, invites us into a profound realization: life's journey is about facing challenges, not stumbling over obstacles. This final New Moon of 2023, positioned in the spirited and expansive sign of Sagittarius, offers a unique opportunity to shift our perspectives from feeling burdened by difficulties to seeing them as stepping stones towards growth and self-fulfillment.

Sagittarius, the archer, is known for its adventurous spirit and relentless pursuit of truth and wisdom. This New Moon reminds us of the need to let go of limiting mental patterns and their physical manifestations. It teaches us that holding onto these patterns only weighs us down, preventing us from moving forward with freedom and optimism.

The essence of Sagittarius in this New Moon phase underscores that there are no quick fixes to deep-seated issues. It encourages us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, identifying what slows us down. This process requires patience and persistence, as we untangle the complex web of our thoughts and behaviors to reclaim our innate passion and zest for life.

This New Moon also serves as a stark reminder that building our dreams on shaky foundations is a recipe for disappointment. If our entire plan is at risk of collapsing when one aspect fails, it's a sign that we've prioritized fanciful aspirations over solid, spiritually grounded goals. The Sagittarian energy urges us to reevaluate our foundations, ensuring they are robust enough to support our ambitions.

Identify the house in your astrological chart where the New Moon in Sagittarius falls. This house represents the life area where your new beginnings and insights will be most potent. Set intentions that resonate with both the nature of this house and the broader Sagittarian themes of exploration and truth-seeking. Acknowledge the challenges in your life as opportunities for growth. Use this New Moon to commit to a path of self-improvement, recognizing that each hurdle is a chance to learn and evolve.

Reflect on the mental patterns that hold you back. This New Moon is the perfect time to release these burdens. Engage in meditation or journaling to consciously let go of these limiting beliefs and make room for new, empowering thoughts. Realign your goals with a strong spiritual base. Assess your ambitions and dreams under the Sagittarian light. Are they grounded in your true self and spiritual beliefs? If not, this is the moment to recalibrate.

Commit to a journey of long-term self-discovery and improvement rather than looking for instant solutions. Understand that real growth takes time, and the New Moon in Sagittarius is just the beginning of this fulfilling journey.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 13, 2023, is not just another New Moon. It's a powerful reminder of life's real purpose: a journey filled with challenges that are, in fact, opportunities for profound personal growth and spiritual development. By accepting this perspective and aligning your actions accordingly, you open yourself up to a life of true freedom, passion, and fulfillment.

The Question Of This Quest.

24 hours before and 24 hours after the New Moon is a cosmic window where subconscious content rises to the surface and asks us to deal with whatever we have suppressed so that it will not contaminate our efforts. In Zodiac Hacks, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for our quest! To access the quantum quest of Sagittarius, we should open ourselves to the following question:

In which situations did I entirely surrender to the guidance of my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides and what was the outcome?

Contemplate this question during the 48-hour New Moon window, and be open to any insights that come into your consciousness. It’s time for you to become the master of your reality and contribute positive energy to the cosmos.

It’s not about being on the “right” path, because you’re already on it, it’s about being on the swiftest path to your best destination!

In deepening our connection to our spirit guides, we are asked to discriminate against the voice of the light and the voice of evil. Most of the time we can tell the difference, except, when the voice of evil disguises itself as the voice of light.

For example, some negative angels come into our world and tell us exactly what we want to hear to distract us from true, everlasting happiness. How is this even possible? Because the truth isn’t always easy to handle, but, it will always set us free. We can acquire protection from these lies under this New Moon in Sagittarius by committing to self-honesty and renouncing all agendas.

Sagittarius season, a sign of truth and action, puts us on the road to do good, and yet, most of us don’t bother checking our blind spots before we pull into our lane.

This is a problem rooted in the confusion between goals and agendas.

We all have our reasons, but we need to be without any agenda when it comes to our actions so that we can be free from lying and dishonesty and in alignment with the angels of clarity. Unfortunately, it is the human condition that allows us to believe in the falsifications we are told so that we can feel justified in our actions. We will expand upon this in our New Moon Online Workshop as it’s a big topic to tackle!

To add to that, of all the forms of lying, self-deception is the most damaging because it can soil the purest of intentions.

Sagittarius season is a time to bring light into the darkness, but when the light shows us things we don’t want to see, we turn to self-deception saying things like, “Oh, I didn’t do that” or, “That’s now how I meant it.” This New Moon in Sagittarius will help us release from self-deceptive options so that we can be open, honest, and present.

Zodiacal City.

The Moon, which represents our vessel, will be empty and ready to receive everything it needs for its 29-day journey around the zodiacal city.

As it transits through each constellation neighborhood, it collects and gathers various gifts and lessons. Yet before it departs for its journey, there is a 48-hour window of preparation where it downloads everything necessary to make its journey a successful one. This is why we offer a guided New Moon meditation when we ensure that we can receive everything we can to ensure a successful journey.

If you’re serious about moving on with the wonderful New Moon in Sagittarius you can sign up for the online workshop.

This New Moon will affect each of us specifically. Depending on where this New Moon is occurring for you will tell you where to put your focus. For easy insight, be sure to download our Zodiac Hacks Moon Meditation Workbook to optimize the energies and imagine the life you intend.

How To Work With This New Moon in Sagittarius:

  • Where does this New Moon in Sagittarius fall within your chart? How is it affecting other planets? Need illumination on this? Get our moon mediation workbook and I’ll illuminate where you need to focus.
  • Answer the question of this quest: In which situations did I entirely surrender to the guidance of my Guardian Angels/Spirit Guides and what was the outcome?
  • Inhale, diffuse, or get a massage with the Sagittarius Essential Oil which has been energetically charged by Aurelia Essential Oils.
  • Use some juniper berry.
  • Wear some dumortierite
  • Take supplements for the circulatory system and adrenal glands.
  • Set your intentions in my Sun/Moon meditation workbook
  • Participate in the online workshop which includes a teaching, workshop, and guided meditation.
  • Make a donation or tithe.

The New Moon is one of the most powerful times to donate or tithe as it multiplies the practice manyfold.

New Moon window lasts for 48 hours and begins:

Los Angeles, USA           Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 03:32

Nashville, USA             Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 05:32

New York, USA              Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 06:32

London, United Kingdom     Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 11:32

Munich, Germany            Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 12:32

Tel Aviv, Israel           Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 13:32

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 15:32

Tokyo, Japan               Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 20:32

Sydney, Australia          Tue, 12 Dec 2023 at 22:32

Have a wonderful New Moon in Sagittarius and we thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using Zodiac Hacks.

Our New Moon Virtual Ritual

As the New Moon heralds the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it's a powerful time for setting intentions and sowing the seeds of future endeavors. The darkness of the New Moon is like fertile soil, ready to receive the wishes and dreams you wish to cultivate. To aid in this process, we invite you to join our New Moon Virtual Ritual, a space where wisdom and energy converge to guide you toward manifesting your intentions.

During our virtual ritual, you will be led through a guided visualization where the seed energy of your intention will be planted. This immersive experience is designed to empower you, helping you to shed the constraints of the ego mind—those critical voices that judge, manipulate, and deceive, which often lead us astray from our true path. By participating in this ritual, you will align more closely with your higher self, the aspect of your being that knows no limitation and is connected to the infinite potential of the universe.

The New Moon is a time when the veil between the conscious and subconscious is thin, allowing for profound insight and transformation.

Whether you seek to initiate a new project, change a habit, or bring a heartfelt wish into reality, the New Moon Virtual Ritual is an opportunity to focus your will, gather cosmic support, and take a decisive step toward your goals. Join us as we embrace the darkness of the New Moon, not as a void, but as a canvas of infinite possibilities, ready to be painted with the colors of your will and vision.

Let this New Moon be the moment you choose to rise above the ego's machinations and step into the light of your true potential. Sign up for our New Moon Virtual Ritual today and transform your intentions into beautiful fruition.