From Illusion to Insight

The Scorpio New Moon’s Reality Check

What: New Moon in Scorpio

Where: Scorpio 20°

When: November 13 2023, at 10:27:24 AM Rome (24 Hours Before+After)

Hi Stargazers!

As we approach the New Moon in Scorpio on November 12-14, 2023, the lunar cycle begins and asks us to delve deep into the mysteries of our inner world and the projected reality that encircles us. This New Moon, positioned at 20° Scorpio, invites us to confront the illusions we often comfort ourselves with, challenging us to seek authenticity and raw experience over the ease of wishful thinking and second-hand narratives (through media, family, friends, texts, etc.)

The opposition of the New Moon in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus presents a dynamic tension between the desire for profound change and the comfort of stability. Uranus in Taurus disrupts our sense of security, urging us to break free from material attachments and to innovate our values. This transit challenges us to balance our need for transformation (Scorpio) with the urge to maintain a sense of normalcy and predictability (Taurus). It's a chance to revolutionize our approach to life's pleasures and pains, to find freedom within our commitments, and to embrace the unknown without losing our grounding.

The conjunction of the New Moon with Mars in Scorpio intensifies the emotional and instinctual energies at play. Mars amplifies our drive, passion, and assertiveness, pushing us to act on our deepest desires. This powerful alignment encourages us to channel our willpower into focused action. It's a potent time for cutting through the superficial layers of existence to uncover what truly motivates us. The challenge here is to use this assertive energy constructively, to fight for our dreams and desires rather than getting entangled in power struggles or destructive behaviors.

The trine to Neptune in Pisces softens the edges of our experience, offering a dose of compassion and spiritual insight. This harmonious aspect supports our ability to tap into our intuition and to connect with the collective consciousness. It's an opportunity to blend Scorpio's depth with Pisces' universal love, to heal, and to share our discoveries. The challenge with Neptune's influence is to remain anchored in reality while exploring the ethereal realms, to discern between intuition and escapism, and to apply our spiritual insights in practical ways.

Saturn's recent re-admission into Pisces, now in a critical degree, marks a significant shift in collective lessons, emphasizing themes of boundaries, reality versus fantasy, and the structures of our beliefs. Saturn challenges us to mature in our spiritual understanding and to take responsibility for our dreams. It's a time to establish healthy boundaries and recognize the limits of our escapism. The lessons here are about manifesting our ideals into concrete forms and learning the difference between sacrifice and self-delusion.

Both the Part of Spirit and Part of Fortune, both at the critical 0° of Capricorn, highlight a focus on our purpose and the path to achieving our highest potential. Capricorn's influence brings attention to our ambitions, discipline, and the structures we build. These points in the chart encourage us to align our spiritual will (Part of Spirit) with the opportunities that lead to material success and fulfillment (Part of Fortune). The challenge lies in committing to the hard work required to realize our destiny, to climb the mountain one step at a time, and to honor the journey as much as the destination.

As we embrace the stars during this New Moon in Scorpio, we are pulled to dive into the depths, commit to our chosen path, and do the necessary work to bring our dreams into reality. This is not a time for passive dreaming but for active participation in the unfolding of our lives. The celestial alignments offer both challenges and support, urging us to transform, to heal, and to rise to the occasion of our own lives with courage and determination.

The November 29.5 Day Lunar Cycle

The phases of the Moon can be seen as a natural progression or cycle that can help in nurturing the intentions set during the New Moon. Here's how each phase can support the intention set on the New Moon in Scorpio:

Begins with the New Moon in Scorpio on Nov. 13, 2023.

Waxing Moon Nov. 14-26:

As the Moon waxes, or grows fuller, it symbolizes taking action on the intentions we set during the New Moon, building momentum, and making tangible steps towards manifesting your goals. This means releasing any limiting beliefs, behaviors, or situations that may hinder the progress toward the intentions set at the New Moon. It's about letting go of obstacles or blocks to allow for the new growth that the waxing moon symbolizes.

For example, if your intention is to cultivate a new skill, the waxing moon phase would be a time to actively learn and practice that skill, while also "letting go" of any self-doubt or previous beliefs about your abilities that could prevent you from progressing.

In this way, "letting go" during the waxing moon phase is about creating space for the new by releasing what doesn't serve the intention.

As the moon enters its waxing phase, we are encouraged to let go of old patterns and embrace growth from Nov. 14 to the 26th:

  • Nov. 14-15 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius: Use this time to explore opportunities and expand your vision. This phase can help in seeking knowledge and wisdom that supports your intentions.
  • Nov. 16-17 Waxing Moon in Capricorn: Here, the focus is on creating a plan and structure that will help you achieve your intentions. It's about setting practical steps and being disciplined.
  • Nov. 18-20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius: This is a period for innovation and thinking outside the box. It can help in finding unique solutions and connecting with others who share your vision.
  • Nov. 21-22 Waxing Moon in Pisces: Utilize this time for introspection and aligning your intentions with your higher self. It's a period for healing any doubts or fears that may hinder your progress.
  • Nov. 23-24 Waxing Moon in Aries: Aries brings a burst of energy and initiative. Use this to take bold actions that align with your intentions.
  • Nov. 25-26 Waxing Moon in Taurus: This phase is for building and solidifying the steps you've taken. Taurus energy can help in making your intentions manifest in the physical world.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Nov. 27:

The Full Moon is a time of culmination and reflection. With Gemini's influence, it's an optimal time to communicate your progress, share your experiences, and perhaps adjust your path if needed. It's about seeing the results of your efforts and understanding how they align with your initial intentions. Also, we can remove any obstacles and make any course corrections needed as we are 50% through the New Moon cycle.

Waning Moon Nov. 28-Dec. 10:

As the Moon wanes and the light diminishes, it symbolizes a time to receive insights and the blessings that have been released during the Full Moon.

  • Nov. 28-Dec. 1 Waning Moon in Cancer: Nurture yourself and others. Receive love and care, and prepare to let go of emotional insecurities.
  • Dec. 1-3 Waning Moon in Leo: Recognize your talents and express your creativity. Receive appreciation and prepare to release ego-driven desires.
  • Dec. 4-6 Waning Moon in Virgo: Reflect on what needs improvement. Receive practical wisdom and prepare to let go of perfectionism.
  • Dec. 7-8  Waning Moon in Libra: Seek balance in your relationships. Receive feedback and prepare to release disharmony.
  • Dec. 9-10 Waning Moon in Scorpio: Reflect on the transformation you've undergone. Receive deep insights and prepare for a rebirth as the cycle concludes.

This lunar cycle from the New Moon to the waning moon in Scorpio is a journey of setting intentions, building upon them, reflecting on their fruition, and finally releasing to make space for new growth. Each sign the moon transits through offers unique energies to assist us in this process.

Our New Moon Virtual Ritual

As the New Moon heralds the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it's a powerful time for setting intentions and sowing the seeds of future endeavors. The darkness of the New Moon is like fertile soil, ready to receive the wishes and dreams you wish to cultivate. To aid in this process, we invite you to join our New Moon Virtual Ritual, a space where wisdom and energy converge to guide you toward manifesting your intentions.

During our virtual ritual, you will be led through a guided visualization where the seed energy of your intention will be planted. This immersive experience is designed to empower you, helping you to shed the constraints of the ego mind—those critical voices that judge, manipulate, and deceive, which often lead us astray from our true path. By participating in this ritual, you will align more closely with your higher self, the aspect of your being that knows no limitation and is connected to the infinite potential of the universe.

The New Moon is a time when the veil between the conscious and subconscious is thin, allowing for profound insight and transformation.

Whether you seek to initiate a new project, change a habit, or bring a heartfelt wish into reality, the New Moon Virtual Ritual is an opportunity to focus your will, gather cosmic support, and take a decisive step towards your goals. Join us as we embrace the darkness of the New Moon, not as a void, but as a canvas of infinite possibilities, ready to be painted with the colors of your will and vision.

Let this New Moon be the moment you choose to rise above the ego's machinations and step into the light of your true potential. Sign up for our New Moon Virtual Ritual today and transform your intentions into beautiful fruition.

The Question Of This Quest.

What's my relationship to change? (in general? in my relationships? in my work situation?)


Aries:With the New Moon opposing Uranus in your stability-focused second house, expect the unexpected when it comes to resources and self-worth. The conjunction with Mars, your ruler, in your eighth house of transformation urges you to dig deep and harness your inner warrior to initiate powerful changes, particularly in areas related to shared resources or intimacy. Neptune's trine from your twelfth house may reveal deep spiritual insights through dreams or meditation.

Taurus:The New Moon opposite Uranus in your sign brings personal revelations and sudden shifts in your identity or approach to life. With Mars in your partnership sector, focus on how you assert yourself in relationships. Are there imbalances to address? Neptune's supportive aspect from your eleventh house of friendships suggests your social circle or community could offer support or inspiration.

Gemini:The New Moon highlights your sixth house of health and service, pushing for changes in routines or work due to the opposition to Uranus in your twelfth house of the subconscious. Mars conjunct the New Moon calls for a proactive approach to managing your well-being. With Neptune's trine from the career house, there might be opportunities for creative or compassionate pursuits at work.

Cancer:The opposition of Uranus to the New Moon in your fifth house may spark unexpected events in romance or creative projects, while Mars adds a passionate, if not competitive, edge. Embrace spontaneity in these areas. Neptune's trine from the ninth house can dissolve boundaries, enhancing your spiritual or philosophical outlook, which might inspire your creative expression.

Leo:Home and family life are in focus with the New Moon, and with Uranus's opposition, changes on the domestic front are likely. Mars conjunct the New Moon suggests that these changes may require decisive action or could involve assertive family discussions. Neptune in your eighth house supports a compassionate approach to shared resources and deep emotional connections.

Virgo:With the New Moon in your third house, communication and learning are highlighted. Uranus's opposition may bring unexpected news or ideas, while Mars urges assertive dialogue. Neptune's trine from your seventh house of partnerships suggests a harmonious flow of empathy and understanding in your close relationships, aiding in smoothing over any disruptions.

Libra:Financial matters come into focus with the New Moon, and Uranus opposite may bring surprises in income or possessions. Mars calls for strategic action regarding resources. Neptune's favorable aspect from your sixth house implies that integrating your values with your daily routines can bring both material and spiritual rewards.

Scorpio:The New Moon in your sign, conjunct Mars, empowers you with energy and assertiveness. Uranus opposite in your relationship sector can bring sudden changes in partnerships, while Neptune's trine from your fifth house enhances creativity and romantic connections, blending passion with compassion.

Sagittarius:This New Moon illuminates your twelfth house, stirring hidden aspects of your psyche. The opposition to Uranus could disrupt your inner tranquility, perhaps revealing secrets or unconscious patterns. Mars energizes these areas, prompting action. Neptune in the fourth house trine suggests that finding sanctuary at home or within your family can offer solace.

Capricorn:Social circles and future aspirations are under the New Moon's spotlight. Uranus's opposition hints at changes within your community or friendships, and Mars suggests these may come with disagreements or conflicts. Neptune's trine from your third house smooths communication, encouraging you to use your voice to inspire and heal.

Aquarius:Career and public status are the focus of the New Moon, with Uranus opposite potentially shaking up your professional life or reputation. Mars conjunct the New Moon energizes your ambitions. Neptune in your second house trine indicates that aligning your financial goals with your ideals could prove beneficial.

Pisces:The New Moon highlights expansion, learning, and travel. Uranus in your third house could bring surprising news or insights. Mars urges you to explore and assert your beliefs or knowledge. With Neptune in your sign and Saturn at a critical degree, you're undergoing significant personal restructuring, learning to redefine your boundaries and embrace a new spiritual or existential outlook.

What: New Moon in Scorpio

Where: Scorpio 20°

When: November 13 2023, at 10:27:24 AM Rome (24 Hours Before+After)

Hi Stargazers!

As we approach the New Moon in Scorpio on November 12-14, 2023, the lunar cycle begins and asks us to delve deep into the mysteries of our inner world and the projected reality that encircles us. This New Moon, positioned at 20° Scorpio, invites us to confront the illusions we often comfort ourselves with, challenging us to seek authenticity and raw experience over the ease of wishful thinking and second-hand narratives (through media, family, friends, texts, etc.)

The opposition of the New Moon in Scorpio to Uranus in Taurus presents a dynamic tension between the desire for profound change and the comfort of stability. Uranus in Taurus disrupts our sense of security, urging us to break free from material attachments and to innovate our values. This transit challenges us to balance our need for transformation (Scorpio) with the urge to maintain a sense of normalcy and predictability (Taurus). It's a chance to revolutionize our approach to life's pleasures and pains, to find freedom within our commitments, and to embrace the unknown without losing our grounding.

The conjunction of the New Moon with Mars in Scorpio intensifies the emotional and instinctual energies at play. Mars amplifies our drive, passion, and assertiveness, pushing us to act on our deepest desires. This powerful alignment encourages us to channel our willpower into focused action. It's a potent time for cutting through the superficial layers of existence to uncover what truly motivates us. The challenge here is to use this assertive energy constructively, to fight for our dreams and desires rather than getting entangled in power struggles or destructive behaviors.

The trine to Neptune in Pisces softens the edges of our experience, offering a dose of compassion and spiritual insight. This harmonious aspect supports our ability to tap into our intuition and to connect with the collective consciousness. It's an opportunity to blend Scorpio's depth with Pisces' universal love, to heal, and to share our discoveries. The challenge with Neptune's influence is to remain anchored in reality while exploring the ethereal realms, to discern between intuition and escapism, and to apply our spiritual insights in practical ways.

Saturn's recent re-admission into Pisces, now in a critical degree, marks a significant shift in collective lessons, emphasizing themes of boundaries, reality versus fantasy, and the structures of our beliefs. Saturn challenges us to mature in our spiritual understanding and to take responsibility for our dreams. It's a time to establish healthy boundaries and recognize the limits of our escapism. The lessons here are about manifesting our ideals into concrete forms and learning the difference between sacrifice and self-delusion.

Both the Part of Spirit and Part of Fortune, both at the critical 0° of Capricorn, highlight a focus on our purpose and the path to achieving our highest potential. Capricorn's influence brings attention to our ambitions, discipline, and the structures we build. These points in the chart encourage us to align our spiritual will (Part of Spirit) with the opportunities that lead to material success and fulfillment (Part of Fortune). The challenge lies in committing to the hard work required to realize our destiny, to climb the mountain one step at a time, and to honor the journey as much as the destination.

As we embrace the stars during this New Moon in Scorpio, we are pulled to dive into the depths, commit to our chosen path, and do the necessary work to bring our dreams into reality. This is not a time for passive dreaming but for active participation in the unfolding of our lives. The celestial alignments offer both challenges and support, urging us to transform, to heal, and to rise to the occasion of our own lives with courage and determination.

The November 29.5 Day Lunar Cycle

The phases of the Moon can be seen as a natural progression or cycle that can help in nurturing the intentions set during the New Moon. Here's how each phase can support the intention set on the New Moon in Scorpio:

Begins with the New Moon in Scorpio on Nov. 13, 2023.

Waxing Moon Nov. 14-26:

As the Moon waxes, or grows fuller, it symbolizes taking action on the intentions we set during the New Moon, building momentum, and making tangible steps towards manifesting your goals. This means releasing any limiting beliefs, behaviors, or situations that may hinder the progress toward the intentions set at the New Moon. It's about letting go of obstacles or blocks to allow for the new growth that the waxing moon symbolizes.

For example, if your intention is to cultivate a new skill, the waxing moon phase would be a time to actively learn and practice that skill, while also "letting go" of any self-doubt or previous beliefs about your abilities that could prevent you from progressing.

In this way, "letting go" during the waxing moon phase is about creating space for the new by releasing what doesn't serve the intention.

As the moon enters its waxing phase, we are encouraged to let go of old patterns and embrace growth from Nov. 14 to the 26th:

  • Nov. 14-15 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius: Use this time to explore opportunities and expand your vision. This phase can help in seeking knowledge and wisdom that supports your intentions.
  • Nov. 16-17 Waxing Moon in Capricorn: Here, the focus is on creating a plan and structure that will help you achieve your intentions. It's about setting practical steps and being disciplined.
  • Nov. 18-20 Waxing Moon in Aquarius: This is a period for innovation and thinking outside the box. It can help in finding unique solutions and connecting with others who share your vision.
  • Nov. 21-22 Waxing Moon in Pisces: Utilize this time for introspection and aligning your intentions with your higher self. It's a period for healing any doubts or fears that may hinder your progress.
  • Nov. 23-24 Waxing Moon in Aries: Aries brings a burst of energy and initiative. Use this to take bold actions that align with your intentions.
  • Nov. 25-26 Waxing Moon in Taurus: This phase is for building and solidifying the steps you've taken. Taurus energy can help in making your intentions manifest in the physical world.

The Full Moon in Gemini on Nov. 27:

The Full Moon is a time of culmination and reflection. With Gemini's influence, it's an optimal time to communicate your progress, share your experiences, and perhaps adjust your path if needed. It's about seeing the results of your efforts and understanding how they align with your initial intentions. Also, we can remove any obstacles and make any course corrections needed as we are 50% through the New Moon cycle.

Waning Moon Nov. 28-Dec. 10:

As the Moon wanes and the light diminishes, it symbolizes a time to receive insights and the blessings that have been released during the Full Moon.

  • Nov. 28-Dec. 1 Waning Moon in Cancer: Nurture yourself and others. Receive love and care, and prepare to let go of emotional insecurities.
  • Dec. 1-3 Waning Moon in Leo: Recognize your talents and express your creativity. Receive appreciation and prepare to release ego-driven desires.
  • Dec. 4-6 Waning Moon in Virgo: Reflect on what needs improvement. Receive practical wisdom and prepare to let go of perfectionism.
  • Dec. 7-8  Waning Moon in Libra: Seek balance in your relationships. Receive feedback and prepare to release disharmony.
  • Dec. 9-10 Waning Moon in Scorpio: Reflect on the transformation you've undergone. Receive deep insights and prepare for a rebirth as the cycle concludes.

This lunar cycle from the New Moon to the waning moon in Scorpio is a journey of setting intentions, building upon them, reflecting on their fruition, and finally releasing to make space for new growth. Each sign the moon transits through offers unique energies to assist us in this process.

Our New Moon Virtual Ritual

As the New Moon heralds the beginning of a new lunar cycle, it's a powerful time for setting intentions and sowing the seeds of future endeavors. The darkness of the New Moon is like fertile soil, ready to receive the wishes and dreams you wish to cultivate. To aid in this process, we invite you to join our New Moon Virtual Ritual, a space where wisdom and energy converge to guide you toward manifesting your intentions.

During our virtual ritual, you will be led through a guided visualization where the seed energy of your intention will be planted. This immersive experience is designed to empower you, helping you to shed the constraints of the ego mind—those critical voices that judge, manipulate, and deceive, which often lead us astray from our true path. By participating in this ritual, you will align more closely with your higher self, the aspect of your being that knows no limitation and is connected to the infinite potential of the universe.

The New Moon is a time when the veil between the conscious and subconscious is thin, allowing for profound insight and transformation.

Whether you seek to initiate a new project, change a habit, or bring a heartfelt wish into reality, the New Moon Virtual Ritual is an opportunity to focus your will, gather cosmic support, and take a decisive step towards your goals. Join us as we embrace the darkness of the New Moon, not as a void, but as a canvas of infinite possibilities, ready to be painted with the colors of your will and vision.

Let this New Moon be the moment you choose to rise above the ego's machinations and step into the light of your true potential. Sign up for our New Moon Virtual Ritual today and transform your intentions into beautiful fruition.

The Question Of This Quest.

What's my relationship to change? (in general? in my relationships? in my work situation?)


Aries:With the New Moon opposing Uranus in your stability-focused second house, expect the unexpected when it comes to resources and self-worth. The conjunction with Mars, your ruler, in your eighth house of transformation urges you to dig deep and harness your inner warrior to initiate powerful changes, particularly in areas related to shared resources or intimacy. Neptune's trine from your twelfth house may reveal deep spiritual insights through dreams or meditation.

Taurus:The New Moon opposite Uranus in your sign brings personal revelations and sudden shifts in your identity or approach to life. With Mars in your partnership sector, focus on how you assert yourself in relationships. Are there imbalances to address? Neptune's supportive aspect from your eleventh house of friendships suggests your social circle or community could offer support or inspiration.

Gemini:The New Moon highlights your sixth house of health and service, pushing for changes in routines or work due to the opposition to Uranus in your twelfth house of the subconscious. Mars conjunct the New Moon calls for a proactive approach to managing your well-being. With Neptune's trine from the career house, there might be opportunities for creative or compassionate pursuits at work.

Cancer:The opposition of Uranus to the New Moon in your fifth house may spark unexpected events in romance or creative projects, while Mars adds a passionate, if not competitive, edge. Embrace spontaneity in these areas. Neptune's trine from the ninth house can dissolve boundaries, enhancing your spiritual or philosophical outlook, which might inspire your creative expression.

Leo:Home and family life are in focus with the New Moon, and with Uranus's opposition, changes on the domestic front are likely. Mars conjunct the New Moon suggests that these changes may require decisive action or could involve assertive family discussions. Neptune in your eighth house supports a compassionate approach to shared resources and deep emotional connections.

Virgo:With the New Moon in your third house, communication and learning are highlighted. Uranus's opposition may bring unexpected news or ideas, while Mars urges assertive dialogue. Neptune's trine from your seventh house of partnerships suggests a harmonious flow of empathy and understanding in your close relationships, aiding in smoothing over any disruptions.

Libra:Financial matters come into focus with the New Moon, and Uranus opposite may bring surprises in income or possessions. Mars calls for strategic action regarding resources. Neptune's favorable aspect from your sixth house implies that integrating your values with your daily routines can bring both material and spiritual rewards.

Scorpio:The New Moon in your sign, conjunct Mars, empowers you with energy and assertiveness. Uranus opposite in your relationship sector can bring sudden changes in partnerships, while Neptune's trine from your fifth house enhances creativity and romantic connections, blending passion with compassion.

Sagittarius:This New Moon illuminates your twelfth house, stirring hidden aspects of your psyche. The opposition to Uranus could disrupt your inner tranquility, perhaps revealing secrets or unconscious patterns. Mars energizes these areas, prompting action. Neptune in the fourth house trine suggests that finding sanctuary at home or within your family can offer solace.

Capricorn:Social circles and future aspirations are under the New Moon's spotlight. Uranus's opposition hints at changes within your community or friendships, and Mars suggests these may come with disagreements or conflicts. Neptune's trine from your third house smooths communication, encouraging you to use your voice to inspire and heal.

Aquarius:Career and public status are the focus of the New Moon, with Uranus opposite potentially shaking up your professional life or reputation. Mars conjunct the New Moon energizes your ambitions. Neptune in your second house trine indicates that aligning your financial goals with your ideals could prove beneficial.

Pisces:The New Moon highlights expansion, learning, and travel. Uranus in your third house could bring surprising news or insights. Mars urges you to explore and assert your beliefs or knowledge. With Neptune in your sign and Saturn at a critical degree, you're undergoing significant personal restructuring, learning to redefine your boundaries and embrace a new spiritual or existential outlook.