January New Moon Forecast

The New Moon in Capricorn can bring forth an opportunity to face and work with our shadow aspects - those parts of ourselves that we might prefer to ignore or hide.

Prepare for an uncommon occurrence: This year, we're experiencing two New Moons in Capricorn instead of the usual one. Uniquely, there won't be a Full Moon in Cancer this year. Mark your calendar for the first New Moon in Capricorn happening on January 11, 2024, at 12:57 PM Central European Time (CET). To find out what time this New Moon occurs in your local time zone, you can use an online time converter. This event is an excellent opportunity for new beginnings and setting intentions, especially around goals and structures in your life.

This New Moon occurring in Capricorn is quite intense particularly because Capricorn is hosting several planets at the moment which gives us an intricate interplay of energies to interpret. Capricorn, governed by the "The Devil" archetype in Tarot, symbolizes the shadow side, materialism, and challenges associated with earthly ambitions and limitations. This sign is also ruled by Saturn, known in astrology as the taskmaster or auditor, bringing themes of responsibility, discipline, and sometimes, a sense of heaviness or pessimism.

The New Moon, as a time of new beginnings and setting intentions, hosted within the stars of Capricorn, can create a powerful dynamic where introspection and material considerations converge. This combination prompts a deeper examination of our ambitions, structures, and the role our shadow self plays in our material pursuits.

Here's how these energies may manifest:

Confronting the Shadow Self

The New Moon in Capricorn can bring forth an opportunity to face and work with our shadow aspects - those parts of ourselves that we might prefer to ignore or hide. This process is crucial for personal growth and can lead to more authentic self-expression and fulfillment.

Balancing Material and Spiritual Goals

Capricorn's focus on material achievement and status can be balanced with the introspective nature of the New Moon. This is a time to set intentions that harmonize material ambitions with spiritual values, ensuring that our pursuits are not just for worldly success but also for inner fulfillment and alignment with our higher selves.

Responsibility and Discipline

The influence of Saturn encourages taking responsibility for our actions and decisions. The New Moon is an opportune time to commit to disciplines or structures that support our long-term goals and personal growth.

Overcoming Pessimism

While Capricorn can bring a dose of realism, it can also lead to pessimism. The New Moon is a moment to inject hope and positivity into our plans, ensuring that while we are realistic, we are also optimistic about our capabilities and future.

Learning from Challenges

The Capricorn energy reminds us of the importance of humility and learning from our challenges. The New Moon can mark a time to acknowledge where pride or over ambition might have led us astray and to set intentions that align more closely with wisdom and genuine self-improvement.

Transforming Ambitions

Finally, this New Moon can catalyze transforming our ambitions. It's a time to redefine what success means to us, moving away from purely external metrics of achievement and towards goals that bring a sense of true accomplishment and alignment with our deepest values.

This New Moon in Capricorn is a powerful time for setting intentions that are rooted in self-awareness, responsibility, and a balance between material and spiritual aspirations. It's about acknowledging and working with our shadow self, setting ambitious yet soulful goals, and committing to the discipline required to achieve them.

The Transformational Transits

There is a square aspect from the New Moon to both nodes. This is a dynamic and significant aspect in astrology, characterized by a blend of stability and instability. The square indicates a relationship of tension and challenge between the energies of the Sun, Moon, and nodes. It's an aspect that calls for action, and decision-making, and often involves a struggle.

The New Moon, symbolizing new beginnings and potential, when in square with the Nodes, indicates a crucial phase of building, resistance, and the need for change. This aspect can bring to light the tension between the comfort of the South Node (our past, what we've mastered) and the developmental call of the North Node (our growth, what we need to master).

The square’s emphasis on building and structure suggests that during this lunar cycle of 29 days, there is a need for focused effort and discipline to navigate the challenges presented. The energies of the New Moon and the Nodes are working at cross purposes, not in disagreement but with different goals. This indicates a period where reconciling these different objectives is crucial for growth. In other words, initiating new beginnings or setting intentions might be fraught with challenges stemming from our past patterns or karmic debts. However, these challenges are not insurmountable; they are opportunities for significant growth and evolution.

The New Moon squaring the Nodes could therefore be seen as a time to assert one's will, embrace transformation, and embark on a new journey with an open mind. The key is to become conscious of the tension between the comfort of the familiar (South Node) and the call to step into new territories or ways of being (North Node). This aspect invites introspection and awareness, urging us to understand how our past is influencing our present and how we can break free from limiting patterns to embrace the growth promised by our North Node. This will be addressed in depth in the New Moon Virtual Ritual.

In practical terms, this square suggests a need to actively work on integrating the lessons of the past (South Node) and the direction of future growth (North Node). This is not a passive time but one that requires conscious effort and decision-making. The tension created by the square can indeed be a source of significant energy and drive, once resolved.

There is a wide orb conjunction to Pluto in the omega degree of Capricorn. this transformative energy will be infused into the new beginnings and intentions we set. Adding to the theme of releasing the past to build the future, this points to a time of concluding lessons related to structure, discipline, and material achievements. It's like reaching the final chapter of a book in these areas of our lives, where we reflect on what we've learned before moving forward.

The New Moon’s conjunction with Pluto at this critical degree in Capricorn suggests a powerful opportunity for transformation in areas related to career, structure, and long-term goals. It's a chance to reassess our paths, to let go of outdated ambitions, and to lay the groundwork for profound changes. We're encouraged to think deeply about our life direction, especially regarding our professional and material goals, and consider how we can rebuild or transform these areas in a way that's more aligned with our true selves.

This astrological event may prompt introspection and significant shifts in how we approach our ambitions and structures. On a personal level, it's an ideal time for setting intentions that involve personal growth, career changes, or redefining success. Collectively, it could signal shifts in societal structures and norms, especially those related to authority, governance, and responsibility.

In essence, the New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto at the omega degree is about embracing transformative changes in our approach to life's structures and ambitions. It's a time to let go of the old to make way for new, more authentic paths in our personal and professional lives.

The New Moon also forms a trine with Uranus, which suggests that these new beginnings or intentions are likely to be influenced by a desire for change, freedom, or breaking away from traditional ways of doing things. This aspect can bring a sense of excitement, innovation, and unexpected opportunities to the disciplined and structured energy of Capricorn. 

Finally, Mars, the planet of action and drive, is also in Capricorn, which adds an extra layer of determination and strength to our efforts. Mars in Capricorn is known for its ability to work tirelessly towards goals with patience and discipline. This influence suggests that the energy and motivation to act on our intentions are available and can be directed in a focused and efficient manner.

The combination of the New Moon's potential for new beginnings, the innovative and change-inducing energy of Uranus, and the drive and determination of Mars in Capricorn creates a powerful mix for positive changes. This is an excellent time for setting intentions that are not only practical and well-structured but also infused with fresh, unconventional ideas. The harmonious trine aspect ensures that these changes, while potentially significant, can unfold smoothly and beneficially.

For individuals, this astrological moment is ideal for starting new projects or making life changes, especially those that combine traditional methods with innovative approaches. It's a time when hard work can lead to breakthroughs and where disciplined effort can bring unexpected and exciting results.

Collectively, these transits create an opportune moment for initiating meaningful changes, both personally and on a broader societal level. It's a time ripe for setting intentions that balance practicality with innovation, and tradition with transformation. The energies available during this lunar cycle encourage us to embrace new beginnings, let go of outdated ways, and work towards breakthroughs that harmonize our personal growth with collective progress. This period is not just about observing the stars but actively transcending them to facilitate personal development and contribute to a more forward-thinking and interdependent society..

The Question Of This Lunar Quest.

In Zodiac Hacks astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for your quest! To access the quantum quest of Capricorn, we should open ourselves to the following question:

Which situations leave me feeling so helpless that I see manipulation as my only option? What could I do instead to empower myself in a healthy way and why don't I do it? 

This prompts us to reflect on our use of power (Capricorn and Pluto), to move beyond past limiting behaviors (South Node) towards healthier expressions of our will (North Node and Mars), and to find innovative ways of self-empowerment (Uranus).

During the New Moon in Capricorn, we are invited to deeply introspect and transform our approach to power and control. It asks us to identify where we feel powerless and tend to manipulate and challenges us to find healthier, more empowered ways of asserting ourselves. This quest aligns with the broader astrological themes at play, fostering personal growth and evolution in line with the cosmic energies.

It's not just about recognizing and moving away from manipulative behaviors; it's about understanding our deeper motivations, fears, and the impact of our actions. It's an opportunity to grow and evolve into more authentic versions of ourselves, where our actions are aligned with our true values and the higher energies available to us during this astrological period. See you in the workshop.

Companion Essential Oil Blends

In light of the astrological influences and the introspective journey prompted by the lunar quest during the New Moon in Capricorn, integrating holistic tools can be beneficial for supporting this transformative process. These selected companion essential oil blends, from Aurelia Essential Oils, are particularly effective in enhancing our physical and energetic well-being, aligning with the themes of this astrological period.

Lymphatic System Blend

Considering the profound changes and the need for personal empowerment highlighted by the New Moon's aspects, the Lymphatic System blend is particularly apt. This blend supports the lymphatic system, which is crucial for maintaining a strong immune response and overall health. Its properties of strengthening recovery after illness, reducing edema and swelling, defending against recurring infections, and assisting with swollen lymph nodes are especially pertinent. It arms up the immune system’s defenses and bolsters your internal strength to face and transform deep-seated patterns of behavior, as triggered by the lunar quest.

Capricorn Blend

In alignment with the New Moon in Capricorn, the Capricorn essential oil blend is designed to resonate with and enhance the qualities of this zodiac sign. Given that Capricorn energy is central to the current astrological influences, using this blend can help in grounding and stabilizing while fostering the discipline and resilience needed to navigate the transformative challenges and new beginnings of this period.

The Lymphatic System blend can be particularly useful in maintaining physical health and resilience, while the Capricorn blend aligns with and amplifies the Capricornian themes of structure, discipline, and practical ambition. Incorporating them into your self-care regimen can amplify your efforts to empower yourself in healthy ways, in line with the introspective question of the lunar quest.

As you reflect on situations that make you feel helpless and contemplate healthier ways to empower yourself, these essential oils can serve as physical and symbolic tools to support your journey of transformation and growth. These blends not only support your physical well-being but also resonate with the themes of transformation, empowerment, and resilience, making them ideal tools for this period of personal and cosmic evolution.

Prepare for an uncommon occurrence: This year, we're experiencing two New Moons in Capricorn instead of the usual one. Uniquely, there won't be a Full Moon in Cancer this year. Mark your calendar for the first New Moon in Capricorn happening on January 11, 2024, at 12:57 PM Central European Time (CET). To find out what time this New Moon occurs in your local time zone, you can use an online time converter. This event is an excellent opportunity for new beginnings and setting intentions, especially around goals and structures in your life.

This New Moon occurring in Capricorn is quite intense particularly because Capricorn is hosting several planets at the moment which gives us an intricate interplay of energies to interpret. Capricorn, governed by the "The Devil" archetype in Tarot, symbolizes the shadow side, materialism, and challenges associated with earthly ambitions and limitations. This sign is also ruled by Saturn, known in astrology as the taskmaster or auditor, bringing themes of responsibility, discipline, and sometimes, a sense of heaviness or pessimism.

The New Moon, as a time of new beginnings and setting intentions, hosted within the stars of Capricorn, can create a powerful dynamic where introspection and material considerations converge. This combination prompts a deeper examination of our ambitions, structures, and the role our shadow self plays in our material pursuits.

Here's how these energies may manifest:

Confronting the Shadow Self

The New Moon in Capricorn can bring forth an opportunity to face and work with our shadow aspects - those parts of ourselves that we might prefer to ignore or hide. This process is crucial for personal growth and can lead to more authentic self-expression and fulfillment.

Balancing Material and Spiritual Goals

Capricorn's focus on material achievement and status can be balanced with the introspective nature of the New Moon. This is a time to set intentions that harmonize material ambitions with spiritual values, ensuring that our pursuits are not just for worldly success but also for inner fulfillment and alignment with our higher selves.

Responsibility and Discipline

The influence of Saturn encourages taking responsibility for our actions and decisions. The New Moon is an opportune time to commit to disciplines or structures that support our long-term goals and personal growth.

Overcoming Pessimism

While Capricorn can bring a dose of realism, it can also lead to pessimism. The New Moon is a moment to inject hope and positivity into our plans, ensuring that while we are realistic, we are also optimistic about our capabilities and future.

Learning from Challenges

The Capricorn energy reminds us of the importance of humility and learning from our challenges. The New Moon can mark a time to acknowledge where pride or over ambition might have led us astray and to set intentions that align more closely with wisdom and genuine self-improvement.

Transforming Ambitions

Finally, this New Moon can catalyze transforming our ambitions. It's a time to redefine what success means to us, moving away from purely external metrics of achievement and towards goals that bring a sense of true accomplishment and alignment with our deepest values.

This New Moon in Capricorn is a powerful time for setting intentions that are rooted in self-awareness, responsibility, and a balance between material and spiritual aspirations. It's about acknowledging and working with our shadow self, setting ambitious yet soulful goals, and committing to the discipline required to achieve them.

The Transformational Transits

There is a square aspect from the New Moon to both nodes. This is a dynamic and significant aspect in astrology, characterized by a blend of stability and instability. The square indicates a relationship of tension and challenge between the energies of the Sun, Moon, and nodes. It's an aspect that calls for action, and decision-making, and often involves a struggle.

The New Moon, symbolizing new beginnings and potential, when in square with the Nodes, indicates a crucial phase of building, resistance, and the need for change. This aspect can bring to light the tension between the comfort of the South Node (our past, what we've mastered) and the developmental call of the North Node (our growth, what we need to master).

The square’s emphasis on building and structure suggests that during this lunar cycle of 29 days, there is a need for focused effort and discipline to navigate the challenges presented. The energies of the New Moon and the Nodes are working at cross purposes, not in disagreement but with different goals. This indicates a period where reconciling these different objectives is crucial for growth. In other words, initiating new beginnings or setting intentions might be fraught with challenges stemming from our past patterns or karmic debts. However, these challenges are not insurmountable; they are opportunities for significant growth and evolution.

The New Moon squaring the Nodes could therefore be seen as a time to assert one's will, embrace transformation, and embark on a new journey with an open mind. The key is to become conscious of the tension between the comfort of the familiar (South Node) and the call to step into new territories or ways of being (North Node). This aspect invites introspection and awareness, urging us to understand how our past is influencing our present and how we can break free from limiting patterns to embrace the growth promised by our North Node. This will be addressed in depth in the New Moon Virtual Ritual.

In practical terms, this square suggests a need to actively work on integrating the lessons of the past (South Node) and the direction of future growth (North Node). This is not a passive time but one that requires conscious effort and decision-making. The tension created by the square can indeed be a source of significant energy and drive, once resolved.

There is a wide orb conjunction to Pluto in the omega degree of Capricorn. this transformative energy will be infused into the new beginnings and intentions we set. Adding to the theme of releasing the past to build the future, this points to a time of concluding lessons related to structure, discipline, and material achievements. It's like reaching the final chapter of a book in these areas of our lives, where we reflect on what we've learned before moving forward.

The New Moon’s conjunction with Pluto at this critical degree in Capricorn suggests a powerful opportunity for transformation in areas related to career, structure, and long-term goals. It's a chance to reassess our paths, to let go of outdated ambitions, and to lay the groundwork for profound changes. We're encouraged to think deeply about our life direction, especially regarding our professional and material goals, and consider how we can rebuild or transform these areas in a way that's more aligned with our true selves.

This astrological event may prompt introspection and significant shifts in how we approach our ambitions and structures. On a personal level, it's an ideal time for setting intentions that involve personal growth, career changes, or redefining success. Collectively, it could signal shifts in societal structures and norms, especially those related to authority, governance, and responsibility.

In essence, the New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto at the omega degree is about embracing transformative changes in our approach to life's structures and ambitions. It's a time to let go of the old to make way for new, more authentic paths in our personal and professional lives.

The New Moon also forms a trine with Uranus, which suggests that these new beginnings or intentions are likely to be influenced by a desire for change, freedom, or breaking away from traditional ways of doing things. This aspect can bring a sense of excitement, innovation, and unexpected opportunities to the disciplined and structured energy of Capricorn. 

Finally, Mars, the planet of action and drive, is also in Capricorn, which adds an extra layer of determination and strength to our efforts. Mars in Capricorn is known for its ability to work tirelessly towards goals with patience and discipline. This influence suggests that the energy and motivation to act on our intentions are available and can be directed in a focused and efficient manner.

The combination of the New Moon's potential for new beginnings, the innovative and change-inducing energy of Uranus, and the drive and determination of Mars in Capricorn creates a powerful mix for positive changes. This is an excellent time for setting intentions that are not only practical and well-structured but also infused with fresh, unconventional ideas. The harmonious trine aspect ensures that these changes, while potentially significant, can unfold smoothly and beneficially.

For individuals, this astrological moment is ideal for starting new projects or making life changes, especially those that combine traditional methods with innovative approaches. It's a time when hard work can lead to breakthroughs and where disciplined effort can bring unexpected and exciting results.

Collectively, these transits create an opportune moment for initiating meaningful changes, both personally and on a broader societal level. It's a time ripe for setting intentions that balance practicality with innovation, and tradition with transformation. The energies available during this lunar cycle encourage us to embrace new beginnings, let go of outdated ways, and work towards breakthroughs that harmonize our personal growth with collective progress. This period is not just about observing the stars but actively transcending them to facilitate personal development and contribute to a more forward-thinking and interdependent society..

The Question Of This Lunar Quest.

In Zodiac Hacks astrology, the New Moon is a time to receive energy for your quest! To access the quantum quest of Capricorn, we should open ourselves to the following question:

Which situations leave me feeling so helpless that I see manipulation as my only option? What could I do instead to empower myself in a healthy way and why don't I do it? 

This prompts us to reflect on our use of power (Capricorn and Pluto), to move beyond past limiting behaviors (South Node) towards healthier expressions of our will (North Node and Mars), and to find innovative ways of self-empowerment (Uranus).

During the New Moon in Capricorn, we are invited to deeply introspect and transform our approach to power and control. It asks us to identify where we feel powerless and tend to manipulate and challenges us to find healthier, more empowered ways of asserting ourselves. This quest aligns with the broader astrological themes at play, fostering personal growth and evolution in line with the cosmic energies.

It's not just about recognizing and moving away from manipulative behaviors; it's about understanding our deeper motivations, fears, and the impact of our actions. It's an opportunity to grow and evolve into more authentic versions of ourselves, where our actions are aligned with our true values and the higher energies available to us during this astrological period. See you in the workshop.

Companion Essential Oil Blends

In light of the astrological influences and the introspective journey prompted by the lunar quest during the New Moon in Capricorn, integrating holistic tools can be beneficial for supporting this transformative process. These selected companion essential oil blends, from Aurelia Essential Oils, are particularly effective in enhancing our physical and energetic well-being, aligning with the themes of this astrological period.

Lymphatic System Blend

Considering the profound changes and the need for personal empowerment highlighted by the New Moon's aspects, the Lymphatic System blend is particularly apt. This blend supports the lymphatic system, which is crucial for maintaining a strong immune response and overall health. Its properties of strengthening recovery after illness, reducing edema and swelling, defending against recurring infections, and assisting with swollen lymph nodes are especially pertinent. It arms up the immune system’s defenses and bolsters your internal strength to face and transform deep-seated patterns of behavior, as triggered by the lunar quest.

Capricorn Blend

In alignment with the New Moon in Capricorn, the Capricorn essential oil blend is designed to resonate with and enhance the qualities of this zodiac sign. Given that Capricorn energy is central to the current astrological influences, using this blend can help in grounding and stabilizing while fostering the discipline and resilience needed to navigate the transformative challenges and new beginnings of this period.

The Lymphatic System blend can be particularly useful in maintaining physical health and resilience, while the Capricorn blend aligns with and amplifies the Capricornian themes of structure, discipline, and practical ambition. Incorporating them into your self-care regimen can amplify your efforts to empower yourself in healthy ways, in line with the introspective question of the lunar quest.

As you reflect on situations that make you feel helpless and contemplate healthier ways to empower yourself, these essential oils can serve as physical and symbolic tools to support your journey of transformation and growth. These blends not only support your physical well-being but also resonate with the themes of transformation, empowerment, and resilience, making them ideal tools for this period of personal and cosmic evolution.