Zodiac Hacks for Capricorn Season 2023

Maybe we don’t have the entire picture, but when we are fearless, we don’t need it

December 22-January 20

Zodiac Hacks Astrological Forecast and Horoscopes - 
Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn Season 2023

Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

“Maybe we don’t have the entire picture, but when we are fearless, we don’t need it”

Hi, Zodiac Hackers!

Capricorn is the sign of light and yet it falls within the darkest day and time of the year. This is to remind us that the greatest light comes from the greatest dark, but if we are in denial about the dark we won’t see the light. 

Be cautious of the pessimistic attitudes now and don’t be afraid of what you lack.

⁂ The cosmic signature of the season is disciplined curiosity.
⁂ The hack of the season is an intense commitment to transform.
⁂ The challenge this season is addiction to the material.

Capricorn Season isn’t easy, but its rewards are huge - like Christmas wishes granted, and then some. You can read more about Capricorn Season in the book Zodiac Hacks: Constellations for in-depth information on how to hack Capricorn season, Capricorn people, and how to reach your goals during the season.

Let’s look at the transits for Capricorn 2023, which, as always, will take us into the New Year.

As the sun enters Capricorn on December 22, 2023, it heralds a season of discipline, responsibility, and ambition. This is an auspicious time for setting practical goals and striving towards them with determination. On the same day, Mercury's novile to Venus sparks a burst of creativity and introspection, enhancing the way we communicate in relationships. The Mars quintile Saturn aspect, also occurring on December 22, challenges us to blend assertive energy with discipline, encouraging a structured approach to our goals.

The Sun will combust Mercury later that day, intensifying communication and aligning thoughts closely with identity. This period calls for mindfulness in self-expression. On December 23, Mercury's retrogression into Sagittarius invites a reflective journey, particularly in the realms of beliefs and long-term goals, encouraging a broader view of life's larger picture.

December 24 brings the Sun into a sextile with Saturn, supporting goal-setting and recognizing the work needed to achieve them. The following day, Venus will trine Neptune enhancing our collective creativity and compassion in relationships, emphasizing empathy and deep connections.

The Full Moon in Cancer is important. First of all, because it’s the final Full Moon of 2023. Second, it’s the yearly Full Moon of Healing. Third, it’s the last Full Moon in Cancer, of Healing, for 12 months! There will be NO Full Moon in Cancer in 2024! So we need to remove as many obstacles to healing as possible with this one since it will be the last for a while.

December 27, known as The Cold Moon, specifically illuminates the need for emotional healing and breaking free from comfort zones. This lunar event aligns with Chiron (the wounded healer) turning direct, signaling a shift towards healing past wounds and vulnerabilities. Chiron Points should be sealed! Additionally, Mercury squares Neptune on the same day which may cloud communication with confusion, urging the need for clarity.

The Sun’s trine to Jupiter, also on December 27, fosters optimism and opportunities for growth. The following day, Mercury will align with Mars blending thought with action, cautioning against impulsive decisions. Following that, Mars will square Neptune which may bring confusion to actions, necessitating a grounded approach.

On December 29, Venus sextiles Pluto to deepen relationships, inviting transformative experiences. The new year begins with Venus squaring Saturn on January 1, 2024, highlighting relationship challenges that require maturity to navigate.

Mercury will turn direct on January 2, clarifying communication and thinking. The Waning Quarter Moon in Libra on January 4 brings insights into relationships and balance while the Sun square Chiron aspect on January 6 offers a chance to work through deep-seated vulnerabilities.

The repeated Mercury square Neptune aspect on January 9 calls for clarity in communication, followed by a Sun semisquare Saturn the same day, nudging us to face responsibilities. On January 10, the Sun will trine Uranus sparking innovation and independence, while Venus semisquaring Pluto intensifies relationship dynamics.

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 invites reconsideration of values and intentions. Mercury then enters Capricorn on January 14, returning focus to structured thinking. Venus noviles Pluto and the Sun noviles Saturn on January 15 heralding profound transformations in relationships and approaches to responsibility.

A Sun sextile Neptune on January 16 is ideal for creative and spiritual pursuits. Venus quintile Saturn on January 17 highlights balance in relationships and finances. The Waxing Quarter Moon in Aries on January 18 symbolizes the joy of perseverance and courage.

Finally, Mercury sextile Saturn on January 18 supports decision-making, and Venus square Neptune on January 19 warns against illusions in relationships.

This Capricorn season, marked by these significant transits, encourages a journey of introspection, transformation, and balance between material and spiritual aspirations. Capricorn is a sign of illusion and controls only the minds that are plugged into the material world.

The Capricorn within you needs control. Without it, we will aim for it. We need to think about what we truly control in our lives and what controls us. For example, we are sedated with software and hardware which in turn makes us easier to control. The need to control others is always about something else. It’s not about straightforward control. It’s a means to an end.

However, life is about where we are and what we need to work with.

“Capricorn season has us all working harder than usual. People may feel a bit heavier than usual, which can trigger entitlement patterns. It’s a strong season to manifest as long as you’re not manipulating others. ” Excerpt From, Zodiac Hacks, Arik Xander

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year. Winter, ruled by the earth element, is also the darkest time of year. That’s a lot of darkness. During this time, energy and resources that have been preserved will be utilized during winter. Winter is a good time to lose weight because the body is naturally inclined to employ what it has saved for later. As we go within and stay indoors, we can download creative energy and upload light into the shadow side of our minds to find new treasures. The shadow isn’t something that we should be afraid of, but sadly, most of us are.

When we are afraid of our shadow, it takes over and hacks us. We end up acting out the shadow without even knowing it. We betray ourselves and others and commit acts of treason against our essential self. This is where fear and jealousy take us. But when we consciously go through the dark (k)night of the soul, we successfully proceed through the natural cycle of growth.

All of winter is made up of three astrological seasons: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each constellation has its deficiencies. Capricorn is deprived of control and wants to make money. That’s why Christmas and the fiscal new year fall within the season. Capricorn gives us the fear that we will end up homeless on the street, so it forces us to control everything to prevent such a horrible outcome. Capricorn is also obsessed with knowing the regulations and rules to feel secure in the material world. Aquarius needs connection, data, and networks, as well as the bigger picture. In the final month, Pisces needs love, compassion, forgiveness, and information.

Capricorn has a sense that the matrix (the material world) is insufficient, but at the same time, entirely depends on what it displays. Never relying on merit or good luck, Capricorn will work hard, sometimes too hard, to “earn” what it “deserves”. 

This will help the Capricorn within us to do what’s honest and right to put things into the place that we are supposed to be. So it’s only once Capricorn within you allows the spirit to rule matter that it can truly control the material. Being that it’s the earth sign of the earth season, our challenge is to bring shortage into surplus by overcoming calculation and greed. It’s time to let go to move on.

We cannot be in fear and wisdom simultaneously.

If we are listening and believing in people who are in fear, we are following the blind. Light and darkness cannot exist together because even the tiniest flame will illuminate the dark space and the same is true for fear and wisdom. Maybe we don’t have the entire picture, but when we are fearless, we don’t need it. Unlike the ego which needs all the information, data, and knowledge, it can never substitute the fearless energy of wisdom.

From that place of fearless wisdom, we can create our reality where otherwise we are caught in know-it-all webs of fear-filling URLs, stats, and articles locking us in a prison. There is no doubt that Capricorn can make life difficult, but we all have Capricorn somewhere in our chart and it’s a necessary step in the circle of life. We are asked to lighten up and bring light to the areas where we suffer.

We will see what we are lacking to fulfill it with light.

Need some help with this Capricorn Season?

The Capricorn archetype helps us to accept all aspects of ourselves, the good, the bad, and the ugly by shining light into our darkness. Sometimes, we don’t want to see what’s there, which is exactly what we need to be doing during Capricorn season.

Utilize the astrological sun meditation to help you transcend and optimize the Capricorn archetype within and around you! Since everything comes from light, all the ions, atoms, and cosmic pixels are influenced by the Capricorn archetype, which filters the light of the sun before we receive it here on Earth. The sun represents 60-70% of our fate, so it’s a rather large shift. To make the most of this special 30-day period, we offer a quantum sunlight meditation where you access your solar plexus energy and align with the highest vibration of the archetype to ensure a powerful return of energy throughout the Capricorn season.

How to Participate: Access The Winter Solstice Capricorn Season Sunlight Transmission

For Self Care

Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run. Using the technology of Astrolochi, I can help you! I offer spiritual, mental, and emotional telewellness, remote healing, and video readings.

Capricorn Season Wellness For All Signs

Capricorn will ask us to take care of our bones, teeth, knees, hair, and nails. “I have faith and confidence in the future” is what we say when we do the Capricorn exercise from my Vessel Building App. You can activate the gifts of Capricorn within your chart with these tools.

Are you a Capricorn?

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Capricorn season will look like for you, get a chart reading. If you're a Capricorn, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in a solar return reading to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you! If you’re a Cancer, it’s time to get a half-birthday reading by looking at your transits and progressions!

You can also learn about the manifesting power of Capricorn in the Zodiac Hack Constellations Master Class. Learn More  →

Have a wonderful season and we thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using Zodiac Hacks® Astrology.

December 22-January 20

Zodiac Hacks Astrological Forecast and Horoscopes - 
Everything You Need to Know About Capricorn Season 2023

Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

“Maybe we don’t have the entire picture, but when we are fearless, we don’t need it”

Hi, Zodiac Hackers!

Capricorn is the sign of light and yet it falls within the darkest day and time of the year. This is to remind us that the greatest light comes from the greatest dark, but if we are in denial about the dark we won’t see the light. 

Be cautious of the pessimistic attitudes now and don’t be afraid of what you lack.

⁂ The cosmic signature of the season is disciplined curiosity.
⁂ The hack of the season is an intense commitment to transform.
⁂ The challenge this season is addiction to the material.

Capricorn Season isn’t easy, but its rewards are huge - like Christmas wishes granted, and then some. You can read more about Capricorn Season in the book Zodiac Hacks: Constellations for in-depth information on how to hack Capricorn season, Capricorn people, and how to reach your goals during the season.

Let’s look at the transits for Capricorn 2023, which, as always, will take us into the New Year.

As the sun enters Capricorn on December 22, 2023, it heralds a season of discipline, responsibility, and ambition. This is an auspicious time for setting practical goals and striving towards them with determination. On the same day, Mercury's novile to Venus sparks a burst of creativity and introspection, enhancing the way we communicate in relationships. The Mars quintile Saturn aspect, also occurring on December 22, challenges us to blend assertive energy with discipline, encouraging a structured approach to our goals.

The Sun will combust Mercury later that day, intensifying communication and aligning thoughts closely with identity. This period calls for mindfulness in self-expression. On December 23, Mercury's retrogression into Sagittarius invites a reflective journey, particularly in the realms of beliefs and long-term goals, encouraging a broader view of life's larger picture.

December 24 brings the Sun into a sextile with Saturn, supporting goal-setting and recognizing the work needed to achieve them. The following day, Venus will trine Neptune enhancing our collective creativity and compassion in relationships, emphasizing empathy and deep connections.

The Full Moon in Cancer is important. First of all, because it’s the final Full Moon of 2023. Second, it’s the yearly Full Moon of Healing. Third, it’s the last Full Moon in Cancer, of Healing, for 12 months! There will be NO Full Moon in Cancer in 2024! So we need to remove as many obstacles to healing as possible with this one since it will be the last for a while.

December 27, known as The Cold Moon, specifically illuminates the need for emotional healing and breaking free from comfort zones. This lunar event aligns with Chiron (the wounded healer) turning direct, signaling a shift towards healing past wounds and vulnerabilities. Chiron Points should be sealed! Additionally, Mercury squares Neptune on the same day which may cloud communication with confusion, urging the need for clarity.

The Sun’s trine to Jupiter, also on December 27, fosters optimism and opportunities for growth. The following day, Mercury will align with Mars blending thought with action, cautioning against impulsive decisions. Following that, Mars will square Neptune which may bring confusion to actions, necessitating a grounded approach.

On December 29, Venus sextiles Pluto to deepen relationships, inviting transformative experiences. The new year begins with Venus squaring Saturn on January 1, 2024, highlighting relationship challenges that require maturity to navigate.

Mercury will turn direct on January 2, clarifying communication and thinking. The Waning Quarter Moon in Libra on January 4 brings insights into relationships and balance while the Sun square Chiron aspect on January 6 offers a chance to work through deep-seated vulnerabilities.

The repeated Mercury square Neptune aspect on January 9 calls for clarity in communication, followed by a Sun semisquare Saturn the same day, nudging us to face responsibilities. On January 10, the Sun will trine Uranus sparking innovation and independence, while Venus semisquaring Pluto intensifies relationship dynamics.

The New Moon in Capricorn on January 11 invites reconsideration of values and intentions. Mercury then enters Capricorn on January 14, returning focus to structured thinking. Venus noviles Pluto and the Sun noviles Saturn on January 15 heralding profound transformations in relationships and approaches to responsibility.

A Sun sextile Neptune on January 16 is ideal for creative and spiritual pursuits. Venus quintile Saturn on January 17 highlights balance in relationships and finances. The Waxing Quarter Moon in Aries on January 18 symbolizes the joy of perseverance and courage.

Finally, Mercury sextile Saturn on January 18 supports decision-making, and Venus square Neptune on January 19 warns against illusions in relationships.

This Capricorn season, marked by these significant transits, encourages a journey of introspection, transformation, and balance between material and spiritual aspirations. Capricorn is a sign of illusion and controls only the minds that are plugged into the material world.

The Capricorn within you needs control. Without it, we will aim for it. We need to think about what we truly control in our lives and what controls us. For example, we are sedated with software and hardware which in turn makes us easier to control. The need to control others is always about something else. It’s not about straightforward control. It’s a means to an end.

However, life is about where we are and what we need to work with.

“Capricorn season has us all working harder than usual. People may feel a bit heavier than usual, which can trigger entitlement patterns. It’s a strong season to manifest as long as you’re not manipulating others. ” Excerpt From, Zodiac Hacks, Arik Xander

The Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the darkest day of the year. Winter, ruled by the earth element, is also the darkest time of year. That’s a lot of darkness. During this time, energy and resources that have been preserved will be utilized during winter. Winter is a good time to lose weight because the body is naturally inclined to employ what it has saved for later. As we go within and stay indoors, we can download creative energy and upload light into the shadow side of our minds to find new treasures. The shadow isn’t something that we should be afraid of, but sadly, most of us are.

When we are afraid of our shadow, it takes over and hacks us. We end up acting out the shadow without even knowing it. We betray ourselves and others and commit acts of treason against our essential self. This is where fear and jealousy take us. But when we consciously go through the dark (k)night of the soul, we successfully proceed through the natural cycle of growth.

All of winter is made up of three astrological seasons: Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each constellation has its deficiencies. Capricorn is deprived of control and wants to make money. That’s why Christmas and the fiscal new year fall within the season. Capricorn gives us the fear that we will end up homeless on the street, so it forces us to control everything to prevent such a horrible outcome. Capricorn is also obsessed with knowing the regulations and rules to feel secure in the material world. Aquarius needs connection, data, and networks, as well as the bigger picture. In the final month, Pisces needs love, compassion, forgiveness, and information.

Capricorn has a sense that the matrix (the material world) is insufficient, but at the same time, entirely depends on what it displays. Never relying on merit or good luck, Capricorn will work hard, sometimes too hard, to “earn” what it “deserves”. 

This will help the Capricorn within us to do what’s honest and right to put things into the place that we are supposed to be. So it’s only once Capricorn within you allows the spirit to rule matter that it can truly control the material. Being that it’s the earth sign of the earth season, our challenge is to bring shortage into surplus by overcoming calculation and greed. It’s time to let go to move on.

We cannot be in fear and wisdom simultaneously.

If we are listening and believing in people who are in fear, we are following the blind. Light and darkness cannot exist together because even the tiniest flame will illuminate the dark space and the same is true for fear and wisdom. Maybe we don’t have the entire picture, but when we are fearless, we don’t need it. Unlike the ego which needs all the information, data, and knowledge, it can never substitute the fearless energy of wisdom.

From that place of fearless wisdom, we can create our reality where otherwise we are caught in know-it-all webs of fear-filling URLs, stats, and articles locking us in a prison. There is no doubt that Capricorn can make life difficult, but we all have Capricorn somewhere in our chart and it’s a necessary step in the circle of life. We are asked to lighten up and bring light to the areas where we suffer.

We will see what we are lacking to fulfill it with light.

Need some help with this Capricorn Season?

The Capricorn archetype helps us to accept all aspects of ourselves, the good, the bad, and the ugly by shining light into our darkness. Sometimes, we don’t want to see what’s there, which is exactly what we need to be doing during Capricorn season.

Utilize the astrological sun meditation to help you transcend and optimize the Capricorn archetype within and around you! Since everything comes from light, all the ions, atoms, and cosmic pixels are influenced by the Capricorn archetype, which filters the light of the sun before we receive it here on Earth. The sun represents 60-70% of our fate, so it’s a rather large shift. To make the most of this special 30-day period, we offer a quantum sunlight meditation where you access your solar plexus energy and align with the highest vibration of the archetype to ensure a powerful return of energy throughout the Capricorn season.

How to Participate: Access The Winter Solstice Capricorn Season Sunlight Transmission

For Self Care

Waiting too long to deal with your stress or fears? Not a good idea. The energy is heavy outside and it’s your responsibility to take care of your health and wellness. It will increase immunity on physical and spiritual levels. During these uncertain times, your mental health is more important than ever, and waiting to get healing until the pandemic is over is likely to make things worse in the long run. Using the technology of Astrolochi, I can help you! I offer spiritual, mental, and emotional telewellness, remote healing, and video readings.

Capricorn Season Wellness For All Signs

Capricorn will ask us to take care of our bones, teeth, knees, hair, and nails. “I have faith and confidence in the future” is what we say when we do the Capricorn exercise from my Vessel Building App. You can activate the gifts of Capricorn within your chart with these tools.

Are you a Capricorn?

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Capricorn season will look like for you, get a chart reading. If you're a Capricorn, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in a solar return reading to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you! If you’re a Cancer, it’s time to get a half-birthday reading by looking at your transits and progressions!

You can also learn about the manifesting power of Capricorn in the Zodiac Hack Constellations Master Class. Learn More  →

Have a wonderful season and we thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using Zodiac Hacks® Astrology.