There is powerful energy available for us to access higher levels of spiritual awareness and deep healing as we reflect upon the illuminating light of this final full moon of the Astrological Year, the Full Moon In Virgo, and use that energy to push ourselves out of the boxes of our selfish nature by doing the hard work of removing our obstacles to the light, to real success, through inner cleansing, purification and atonement.
We will remember why we are here and align ourselves with our true purpose and destiny. We will remember we are here to love — ourselves and others — and weave the expression of love into the fabric of our daily lives through our actions and words, serving what is greater than us — the Intention of the All-Good and the highest good of all sentient beings.
In the Full Moon Virtual Ritual and Workshop, as we contemplate the question given by the archetype of this full moon to bring clarity and wisdom to our meditation, we’ll realize we are empowered to transform any negativity or obstacle to success that we’re experiencing when we take responsibility for the limiting patterns, beliefs, and laziness that keep us boxed and “safe” from fulfilling our mission in life. Following the teaching, Arik will guide us in a visualization where we’ll integrate and apply what we’ve learned, working with that area of our chart where this event is happening. This represents the area of our reality that is influenced by the desire for success, and where we will now open ourselves to begin the process of remembering our connection to the light through the technology of atonement. With this full moon, we have an awesome opportunity for great transformation, and we’re being asked to make the changes necessary to get ourselves free, to find out who we actually are, and by remembering that, shine with the Divine light that will bring healing and happiness for ourselves and for the world.
What is success?