This class asks the question — from where do you choose to withdraw your energy? from the negative side, or the positive side? — as it teaches about the concept, the influences, and the condition, of weakness — and the energy, the concept, of thirst. It is about having boundaries — something very difficult to organize, to draw, in the ocean of emotions — without becoming enmeshed — identifying with the darkness energy, with your darkness — addicted to material things, and thinking that’s who you are, when you are not that, you are so much more than that — and — your task is to figure out who you really are — beyond your trauma, beyond the darkness, beyond the things that have happened to you, beyond the stories you tell yourself — beyond all the things that create a limitation for you. You will learn that your thirst — your weakness — for something to fill a void is taking more than it gives, when you choose to withdraw the energy from the darkness, from the material. But, there is so much more energy you could tap into — you can, and are, supposed to tap into — a higher energy — from the Divine, from the Source — that unlimited energy that comes without the price, that comes by activating happiness. Then, you are happy. You become lighter. You move with lightness. And, you will learn that, when you act with the qualities of happiness, you attract more light to illuminate your reality, effecting your health, wealth, fortune, and relationships. Do not wait. Activate happiness now. ♓️ It is the nature of your ego that it wants to identify with the darkness energy. ♓️ Can your dreams be realized? Or do you believe that the dream is like a “castle in the sky?” ♓️ You have the task to activate, and perpetuate, happiness, and choose to be happy. ♓️ Mastery requires breaking the cycle, the chain, of addictive energy. ♓️ Neediness is totally the energy of the juice — the darkness energy. ♓️ Happiness builds on happiness.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author