It’s time to let go of what is blocking our success in relationships and in connecting with others, as our relationships are where we practice spirituality with others, and bring love and light into the world. In this class, you will learn about soulmate relationships, about the balance between sharing with others, making connections from the divine to the individual, and holding yourself accountable for your actions that cause separation. Some Key Points — The qualities that are important in a successful relationship begin with love.Removing the obstacles that keep us from connecting with each other.Take responsibility for the state of separation we are living in.Come closer and strengthen the relationship with our soulmates.Get clear about where we need to be honest about our relationships.Becoming happy about ourselves and life — how to enjoy the ebb and flow of life in order to overcome the fear of what’s coming.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author

It’s time to let go of what is blocking our success in relationships and in connecting with others, as our relationships are where we practice spirituality with others, and bring love and light into the world. In this class, you will learn about soulmate relationships, about the balance between sharing with others, making connections from the divine to the individual, and holding yourself accountable for your actions that cause separation. Some Key Points — The qualities that are important in a successful relationship begin with love.Removing the obstacles that keep us from connecting with each other.Take responsibility for the state of separation we are living in.Come closer and strengthen the relationship with our soulmates.Get clear about where we need to be honest about our relationships.Becoming happy about ourselves and life — how to enjoy the ebb and flow of life in order to overcome the fear of what’s coming.