This class is about downloading the blessings of prosperity into your reality and learning how to get control over what will happen as you awaken your consciousness, your awareness, your guidance and intention within everything you are doing. You will learn about the special relationship between the physical, material body, and the beautiful energy of the spirit, the essential self — the two forces that exist in every person. When the spiritual energy is being expressed through the material vessel, as you are doing that inner work and transforming, the circuitry of abundance and prosperity is activated. You can tap into the true light of prosperity as you occupy yourself with courage and constructive thoughts, nurturing the attitude of achievement consciousness to become the co-creator, the cause, and not the effect of your reality. Some Key Points:Review your actions and see who is in charge — is it your ego or your essential self. The spirit within you knows that true prosperity, wealth, and abundance is coming — not by money in your bank account — but through knowing that you want fulfillment. When you compensate, you become blinded from the true light of prosperity. You can put the negative agenda of the ego to a positive purpose as you are allowing the essential self to take over. When you have the faith that reinforces success in every area of your life, you are really able to influence your sense of reasoning into investing time and money into spiritual development.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author