This workshop is about coming out of the energy of hiding, transcending the obstacles you create through your hidden ego agendas, expectations and entitlements — so that you may, with honesty and authenticity, come into the energy of expressing your Essential Self. Arik will talk about teamwork, and the energy of being the team — with your guardian angels, spirit guides, coaches, and the people around you — receiving the spiritual tools that help you “team” together to connect to the upper worlds to bring Heaven on Earth. It is about intention, learning to have the right intention, so that you can elevate, transcend your fate, and connect to the joy, prosperity, and happiness — the energy of infinity — where there is enough for everyone.Key Points You May Learn About —What happens if you fail to express your Essential Self?What gives rise to codependency?The paradox of thinking expectations are going to get you what you want.The ways that your sharing gets contaminated.The difference between certainty and entitlement.What creates pressure in the world?

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author