What is compassion? — it is loving yourself and others without condition. This class is about tapping into the radiant energy of compassion and unconditioned love, and the protection that comes from it. You will learn about potential and vision — how the spiritual energy that is available for you to live here and to fulfill your mission is a potential. Your work is to take the potential and, with foresight, make it actual. When you remove the conditions you put on love and shift your focus onto a positive, caring nature, you open to the loving energy of healing, expansion, compassion, and protection that gives you the transformative power to have a vision and the energy that you need to fulfill it.Some Key Points:You don’t have to earn love. Even if you are not aware of it, you are born loved.The importance of cleansing and protecting your aura.The energy of radiance — receiving and working with the energy of compassion.Without protection from the negative, your vision remains a potential.When you are focused on the positive, your experiences are going to be positive.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author