There are two ways to live through life — you can either live through life with life — through liveliness — or you can live through life through the energy of death, of disconnection — not death in the transformative sense, but, rather, where you are losing things, as things are being disconnected and separated from you. This class is about understanding what the amazing journey of your life is for — about what happens when something comes up in your life, and you are triggered — how you disconnect, take yourself down to lower levels of negativity, and believe in that disconnection, thinking that is the reality — how it consumes you, contaminates you — and, all of a sudden, everything in your reality turns to crap. You become that disconnection. You start disconnecting others. You begin to compensate, become complacent — addicted to that which gives you energy on this lower level. But, you will learn that you can choose to pick yourself back up, recover yourself, break out of the box, by stepping into positive energy, especially when the negative energy of separation and disconnection is coming for you — you can push ahead with your wishes — and spring forward into the higher levels. You will find that, when you get to that place where you are recovered, if a trigger comes, rather than let it take you down, you can choose to experience it, to let it come through you, or around you — you can appreciate it, because you’re alive — and you can let it move on. This is really about building a beautiful life — motivated by the energy of appreciation, of service to others — taking nothing for granted — transforming this darkness into light, and in doing so, moving up. A life where you can say, “Okay I’m so grateful I’m in the world, and this is amazing that I can experience all these things — there’s pressure, there’s stress, there are demands being made of me — but the universe is not going to give me something I cannot handle.” Some Key Points:A good way to get stuck on your path is to disconnect. Studying — tarot, spirituality, the authentic teachings, understanding how things are working in the universe — is going to accelerate your progress on your path. Our job is to create life, and to stick to it — not to create death, disconnection, and separation. When you take things for granted, you have to lose them, so that you will desire them again. You can activate this desire energy without losing things through the energy of appreciation. This is how you build life — you do it with appreciation for every moment, every situation. People will think you are crazy, because nothing is making you upset.

Arik Xander

Internationally renowned. Astrologician. Healer. Guide. Author